Friday, July 23, 2010

July 2010 ...twenty four months later

Our lives in Rockport; About 24 months ago we moved to our little coastal town, time really does not moves fast around here, is really all about Events...visits, outings, projects, work,church, family, friends, pets, tv shows...and so on... you get my point, when my daughter Sandra comes with my grands is an event, when my Mom and her crew(Sis and Niece) come to see us is an event...Well a Big Event came in a beautiful pk of three, Albert,Codie and Tuff for their summer visit, we had a blast...I specially love it, we spend lots of quality time together. Thank you for making our life happier.

1 comment:

  1. We had such a good time. Everything was perfect. Wished we lived closer so we could do it more often. :( Love you guys and miss you so much. Really hope to see you in August!
